This tutorial demonstrates how to hand sew a lining into a crochet bag. Each step is accompanied by a photo.

I wanted to make something simple, fast, and feminine the other day. I found this off-white, lacy seam binding in my stash and a simple shell-like button. In about 5 minutes, I had this cute little bracelet.

Sasha is made of Limbo Lime felt, plastic pearl beads, periwinkle floss embellishment, and eyes made from a white sequin and a cooper-colored bead.

This original stuffie is the culmination of 5 pattern pieces, 25 felt pieces, 50 beads, 52 sequins, and hours of sewing. Whew! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to design an octopus back in
February. I was flying high on my easy success with the
owls. An octopus is a different story.